ACE it! Premium Spray Polish is formulated for todays newer finishes.
Paint Finishes are very much different today than when your Grandfather spent hours with Wax's & Oil's for a Dust & Fingerprint attracting shine.
Working with the highest quality Polymers available a Natural Surfactant Solution Cleaner (no harsh chemicals) to release and lift dirt from the surface adding an effective UV Protector. Then our Proprietary Method of formulation, Create's a Multi-Bond Complex with the clear coat that greatly reduces the Evaporation of the Shine & Protection.
The results...a Highly Effective Wear & Sun Resistant, Smooth as Silk, Long Lasting Deep Wet Looking Shine. No, this Ain't your Granddaddy's Polish...It Only Looks Like You Spent Hours!
ACE iT! Premium Spray Polish will Clean, Shine and Protect:
- Chrome, Paint & Motorcycle Windshields (Bugs Hate it)
- Remove lite Dirt, Bugs, Oil, Road Film even lite Road Tar
- No Ammonia, Alcohol, Silicone or Petroleum oils - Paint Shop Safe
- No residue (even on black powder coated engines)
- UV FILTERS block 97% of damaging sun's rays
- Long-lasting protection * No streaking * No smearing